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tv   Happening Now  FOX News  August 13, 2009 11:00am-1:00pm EDT

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want to answer her door after her husband was in underwear. not for men. he was arrested for going through his female neighbors underwear, and he apparently had a pair on. authorities found several garbage bags full of stolen undergarments at his house. on that note -- [captioning made possible by fox news channel] captioned by the national captioning institute gregg: an enormous wildfire burning in california. take a look at those flames. more than 1,000 acres up in smoke so far. hundreds of people being told, but do not wait, get out now. evacuation is under way, and claudia is on her way to the fire line. we hope for a report in a few minutes. jane: now on to health care. town hall meetings with members of congress are flooded with
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constituents. take a look. >> we have come to a place where it is more important to give illegal immigrants, illegal aliens health care than it is -- how dare you. how dare you. >> stops out, come on. jane: it is not just democrats. >> that's not fair. jane: that comes from a town hall from mike kaufman in colorado. president obama will hold a town hall of his own in montana tomorrow. what is the message going to be, and has it changed at all? >> it should be interesting, because he is going to appear with senator max baucus from the middle of health-care negotiations.
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the county he is going to is a conservative county, and democrats as republicans to sign a civility pledge, but republicans said no, because that feels like they are being asked to be seen but not heard. a lot of people are waiting at to appear at this town hall. jane: an event on saturday also? >> yes. there are probably know people in the world who have done as many town hall meetings as barack obama. they feel that he will be able to reach out to people who make it in his face a little bit and say, let's calmed down and talk about our differences. jane: we have new rasmussen pulls out, saying that the approval rating is at its lowest. >> that is right.
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daily polls say that 47% somewhat approved, 52% disapprove, the lowest mark so far. a cause for concern for the white house. we expect that robert gibbs might be asked about it later, and we will get his reaction. gregg: one week before the afghan election, marines are fighting to make a strong hold safe for afghan voters to calf's their ballots. and one particular place is at the center of the opium trade and part of the supply chain for the taliban. we are right there. tell us what is happening. >> we are on a date to of the marine operations that cleared the taliban.
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it is a very strategic compound for militants. we were with marines as they went house-to-house, a compound- to-compound, making sure that no taliban would remain in the village, and they did that when the taliban they did not kill yesterday tried to kill them today. time to time, we were with the marines and while they were attacked, both in positions in the mountains and around the town as well as sniper positions in town. i have to tell you, that meant a lot of running, a lot of cutting and weaving, and a lot of staying low. marines also did this with the afghan national guard. i also have to say that the afghan national army remains a work in progress, and from time to time, they have created more
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headaches than help for the marines out here in the field. as the day wore on, resistance began, with a feeling that it was either neutralizing the enemy, they were laying low, or they had just gotten out of town. i am here at the center of town where marines are really tucker out. temperatures are again up to 120 degrees, dehydration is almost as much of an enemy as the taliban for marines. but they did a heckuva job. they assert a nice break tonight. they will be at it again tomorrow. the sense is that a corner has been turned and now they are rebuilding a security structure. as you mentioned, with just a few basic way, the presidential election. an interim might be in sight.
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gregg: give us a sense that they have made enough progress so it is secure for afghans to vote. >> what have told us is that the taliban is basically victimizing of them. they are like a mafia, extraordinary, threatening people. people want to come to the side of the afghan government, but there are being threatened. hopefully now, the afghan government can be a more appealing host for the people here. whether it is in time, off the record, they set up a polling booth in the center of town for next thursday postelection, and not too many people on shore about it. but at least the town will be on the path to being on the side of right, and that is the intention
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throughout the conference right now. the u.s. military, coalition armies. gregg: great work. stay safe. jane: across the border in pakistan, helicopter gunships pounded after the death of a key taliban leader. at least one dozen militants have been killed. south waziristan was the basis for mehsud, killed in a missile strike last week. they are trying to keep up pressure as the taliban struggles internally to find a successor. gregg: iran wants a resolution banning attacks on nuclear plants. the government proposing the plan just on the cusp of the
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international atomic energy meeting for 150 nations. iran is denying that this ban is designed to prevent israel from attacking its nuclear facilities. israel destroyed a nearly- completed facility not long ago in syria. same thing in iraq. iran has violated sanctions in developing weapons-grade uranium. jane: on wall street, the dow is up about 23 points. what is going on now? >> more on jobless claims information. the number we got this week was higher than expectations. we have 558,000 americans filing for first-time unemployment over the last week. to put that in context, during a normal time, you might see a number lower than three and a 50,000. so we're still considerably higher at this time -- lower than 350,000.
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the number of americans staying with benefits has gone down, but it is still 6 million, an important member to watch. so what is going on here? in the job market, one thing we also keep an eye on all of the number of americans with extended benefits. those are increasing, so when we see the claims back, this might signify instead that we're seeing more americans moved to extended benefits. this is a weekly number, so it changes. but as you know, it comes from everything from retail to housing markets. jane: in housing, foreclosures are on the rise to 07% higher from june to july. we have a web site following those number saying that one in every 355 households received a foreclosure notice.
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nevada has the highest number, followed by california, arizona, and florida. gregg: 0 wildfire in california is threatening homes and buildings. they are under mandatory evacuation. claudia is there, and she will join us with the latest. new video tape out of argentina. police and rioters facing all school children. forced to scramble. bottom. needs work. sorry, son. [ female announcer ] you can't pass inspection with pieces left behind. introducing new charmin ultra strong. its new enhanced diamondweave texture is soft and more durable. more durable so you're left with a more dependable clean. fewer pieces left behind. bottom. check. [ female announcer ] and that charmin softness. new charmin ultra strong. look for it in the new red package.
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for those who prefer moist wipes, try new charmin freshmates for a cleaner clean.
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tell your doctor if you have glaucoma, problems passing urine or an enlarged prostate, as these may worsen with spiriva. also discuss the medicines you take, even eye drops. side effects may include dry mouth, constipation and trouble passing urine. every day could be a good day to breathe better. announcer: ask your doctor if once-daily spiriva is right for you. gregg: keeping a close eye on a fast-moving wildfire burning down the santa cruz mountains. hundreds forced to leave their homes. police say the flames are burning through thick brush and
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timber, farming more than 250 homes and buildings. claudia is live on the scene right now, joining us on the scene by telephone. this is 80 miles south of san francisco, and 80-mile drive from the bay area. tell us what you are seeing so far. >> i am standing along the ridge line, and we see a vista of tiny white ash falling like snowflakes. authorities are rolling into the area from the bay area to keep the wild fire under control. it is burning in steep, rugged terrain, it just the kind of conditions they are used to. gusts were nearly 20 miles an hour wind of the fire started around sun set -- when the fire started around sunset.
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the fire has now burned more than 1.5 square miles, roughly equivalent -- [inaudible] so far, no one has been hurt, no homes lost. but 250 structures are under a mandatory evacuation. an evacuation center has been opened, but most of the kiwis are taking refuge with friends and families. -- most of the evacuator that are taking refuge with friends and family. seasonal temperatures on tap, in the upper 70's, col winds. helicopters and firefighting aircraft parking dispatched to tackle the flames from the air and bring it under control. gregg: the flames are so bright. it is such a fierce fire. it can actually be seen from the
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mountain north of san francisco, so imagine the intensity of this saying. they brought crews from southern california, the santa barbara area, but isn't it the very same location where just one year ago, there was a similar fire? and i think we have just lost communications with claudia. but if evacuations are underway here, and i believe in that fire a year ago, about one dozen structures will burn to the ground. fortunately, no lives were lost, but this seems to be a lot worse. double the damage so far, and this is early on. zero containment of this. it happened near the santa cruz mountains. if you have any pictures, we would love to see them. do it safely, and e-mail them to us at
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give us the photos, your name, location, and a brief description, but be sure you do it safely. jane: already, thousands are sending kids back-to-school. it means the return of swine flu concerns. what strategies has your kid's school put in place? and the sound like a joke. a wisconsin robber walks into a bar. imodium multi-symptom relief combines two powerful medicines for fast relief of your diarrhea symptoms, so you can get back out there.
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imodium. get back out there. n diabetics on medicare. hello, i'm john fox---you may know that i'm a professional bass fisherman. but you may not know that i have diabetes. and it's never slowed me down thanks to the good folks at liberty medical. i've been a liberty medical patient for years and have relied on them for all my diabetic needs. and, if you call now you'll receive a free meter.
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it's easy to use with fast results. even the shipping is free and medicare may cover the cost of your other supplies. liberty medical keeps you on track by delivering diabetic supplies right to your door. they even take care of the paperwork, file your claims and send you a free meter. call right now and they'll also send you a free diabetic cookbook. diabetes doesn't have to slow you down. join me and over a million people
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gregg: welcome back. dramatic videotape from argentina, where violent clashes are breaking out in buenos aires. when police tried to break into an illegally occupied building, children were forced to run for safety. but the building was taken over as by -- taken over by
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government workers claiming it is an established cultural center. apparently not. several officers and journalists were injured, and 14 people arrested. jane: a deadly fire crash in detroit. troopers aired this tape live. the suspect was taking off at high speed in a stolen pickup truck. after several miles, and he was hit by a minivan, rolls over, slammed into a utility pole. the suspect was killed, and the driver of the minivan was just slightly hurt. gregg: if you will rob a bar, make sure that the cops are drinking there. do not get it all caught on videotape. this guy is a real loser. he targets a bar in janesville, wisconsin, and he could not have picked it worst spot -- picked a
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worse spot. police officers happened to be having a little bubbly after a golf outing. cox said, are you kidding me? several cops tackled him so fast they forgot to put down their beer first. the bar owner says police ask for a copy of the videotape just to prove how dumb criminals can be. jane: one big worry is the swine flu this year with back-to- school. the cdc has issued guidelines, and some schools have their own guidelines in place. we are in done woody, georgia, where classes are under way. talk to me about what they are doing.
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>> schools were advised not to close if they have cases of the flu. it makes it easy for kids who are out to recess to go keep their hands clean, because that is one thing that cdc officials say will affect it. i have the principle here with me and he is, to talk a little bit about what you have in place, just in case you have some sick kids. i guess you are squared away there. >> yes, ma'am. we have lots of preventive measures, the best and easiest ways being prevention. we have a nurse here with us every day, five days a week. she works with the kids to make sure they use the sanitizing stations. they also wash their hands. we had a parent bring in clorox white, and we have them bring in
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sanitizer free to homer and so when kids leave the common areas, such as the gym or cafeteria, or they leave the classroom spaces, they clean up after themselves, clean the area, clean their hands, and wash their hands. jane: and should you have several cases, could you work with to decide what you do? >> when a child is looked at and have an issue, they go to our clinic. and we have a controlled flow into the clinic where children have an opportunity to speak by our nurse, who will talk to the child, isolate them in the clinics -- and verify that we have a single case. if we get multiple or more cases, there's a process in case we need to communicate with the board of health. so there's no one, too, and three step process to control and limit, should something get past that initial stage.
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-- there is a three-step process. jane: they have a plan in place, and we need to make sure they can get kids attended to. gregg: angry voices at town hall meetings happen everywhere, and they are being heard by americans who cannot actually attend the sessions. we have a new poll numbers out about what folks are saying at home about this, and how it can affect the plan. bicycle, i've missed you. gathering dust, as pollen floats through the air. but with the strength of zyrtec ® , the fastest, 24-hour allergy relief, i promise not to wait as long to go for our ride. with zyrtec ® i can love the air ™ .
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again. gregg: right this minute, raging wildfires are forcing 600 people to leave their homes in the mounds of santa cruz. the community time. strong winds and scorching temperatures are fuelling a 1,000 acre fire threatening about 250 homes. american marines battling for control of the taliban stronghold in southern afghanistan, hoping to secure it just ahead of next week's presidential election. and scottish officials say they are now considering releasing the only person convicted of a 1980's bombing, because he is dying of cancer. the 57-year-old libyan national is serving a 27-year term for
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the bombing of pan am flight 903, which killed 170 people, mostly americans. jane: a new poll finds that town hall debates we have seen across the country are having an effect on people at home. 34% say they are more sympathetic now to the protestor possible use. in an opinion piece, john boehner wrote this -- boehner wrote this -- bob and alex are here. bob, first to you. does boehner have a point?
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>> the campaign is as much on the other side as it is on obama's side, and i hope that john is a little tongue-in-cheek year and does not really believe it. there has been a lot of exposure in the town hall meeting. eventually, it is going to start to erode support in the country, and i agree that is true. but let us not for a minute believe that these are outpourings of genuine sentiment. i used to do this in 1985. we organize town hall meetings. nothing wrong with that. i am not agreeing with it.
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but this outpouring is ridiculous. jane: are these people all plants? >> no. i think it reflects public opinion. democrats are trying to pass this. but the more they hear about it, the more the president goes out, the more they oppose the overall being discussed here in congress. that is the problem facing democrats. a poll this morning showed independent voters, from two-one margins, supplies with protesters at these town halls. the more they learn about the plan to take over health care, -- >> the operative word was organized, not plant. do you think these people could maybe say what they want to say without screaming. >> there's a lot of emotion on both sides of the aisle. that is to be encouraged.
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we should encourage people to show up on both sides and have a rational debate, to affect you and i are having right now. >> but sarah palin, desk panels -- do you think these people really know what is in these bills? jane: you could ask that any of us. >> or to members of congress. jane: that is the whole point critics have made. we do not even have a plan we're talking about. the white house handed this to congress, and now we have competing plans. what are we actually dealing with? >> the here is where the white house made a mistake. there are too many. jane: pulsate people are fearful, confused, and angry.
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what does it mean to say it is not spontaneous anger, that these people are planted? >> i do not it works. calling the opposition names, trying to marginalize them, is not going to work. at the essence of the matter, they have a policy problem. the bills that work on in congress to not contain costs. people outside the beltway understand that, which is why you are seeing people oppose this legislation. and the more people oppose that, the more people are simply going to oppose it. >> first of all, people in the polls are not angry. these people were as angry over the health bill over of the meetings, you would have to hand out prozac all over town. this is now with the majority is doing.
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jane: we are going to have to leave it there. thank you. gregg: one of the ways obama wants to cut medical costs is by shortening patents on drugs, meaning, essentially, you could buy cheaper generic versions of prescription drugs a lot sooner. and while there is a clear cost savings for patients and insurers, it could be a deal breaker for the pharmaceutical companies. >> this is a nitty gritty issue, and not about the kind of drugs once referred to like prozac. it is about the new generation of drugs, called biologics. they are about living cells from plants and animals. they treat arthritis, multiple
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sources, cancer. they are extremely effective and very difficult to develop. we're not talking about patents, but something called data exclusivity. how long the manufacturers can keep their data exclusively themselves. how long before generic can be developed. in new hampshire on tuesday, president obama said, you know, drug companies what long, lengthy data exclusivity, and i what it shorter. the white house has proposed seven years, but drug companies want 12 years. the aarp is on the side of the white house for the shorter term. the board directors explains why. >> it would have exclusivity, guaranteed monopoly for 12 years, and we think that is excessive. consumers should be able to play
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lower prices. we do not think is justified to keep prices that high. >> in his budget, obama ask for seven years. instead of having the data exclusivity, you could save $10 billion over 10 years. rep. say, you know, companies need exclusivity seven have market incentives. -- so they can have market incentives. >> it costs 10 billion to put a biologic on the market, well before building a facility to manufacture, which runs from a quarter of a billion dollars to half a billion dollars. >> both committees in the senate and house have approved 12 your data expressivity.
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jane: we want to keep watching the markets, up just a squeak, about nine or so. disappointing new retail sales numbers, and cash for clunkers could be to blame for that. we are spending our money on cars and nothing else? >> the program was only up and operating for just about one week in july. we do not have a ton of information about how it impacted retail shopping last month. but this is what some are saying. when we have a limited amount of income, because we're on a recession, when there are incentives and motivations for certain sectors, they will get most of the attention and more of the money and actually get a move up in purchasing. when you think about buying it, you will move up your purchase
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and think about how you will spend your money the rest of the year. retail sales are down overall. this has been successful for the odder sector. they are concerned about inventory, and they think the funding could run out in late august. that is the pace they're actually saying for dealerships. but that is not great news for other retailers because if you're spending money on cars, you might not spend money on other things, like clothes. we did see healthcare products increase in spending by consumers. clothing went up a little bit, maybe early back-to-school shopping, but other areas like general merchandise and electronics and merchandise, that went down. so it is a trend that is just beginning. you only have a small amount of information for to live but it is something we will watch going into this.
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jane: if i keep my clunker, we can get that other pair of shoes. thank you. gregg: some shoes. can best by customers find the bargain of the century? a 52-inch samsung flat screen tv for just $9.99? it was advertised on the company website. hold on. as soon as it was posted, savvy, customers posted on blogs. the deal was too to be true. best buy is not honoring the advertisement. they do not have to. you get a $10 refund. there has to be a valid office, a genuine, honest, a serious offer. in this case, it was a mistake.
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a mistake in an offer does not invade 8 contract. -- convey a contract. jane: jetblew is offering something to get people on planes. maybe but it after all. or annuity over 10 or even 20 years? call imperial structured settlements. the experts at imperial can convert your long-term payout into a lump sum of cash today.
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rare cases may be fatal. side effects may include next-day drowsiness, dizziness, and headache. in patients with depression, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide may occur. if you experience any of these behaviors or reactions contact your doctor immediately. wake up ready for your day-ask your healthcare provider for 2-layer ambien cr. jane: how does a giant cargo ship vanish? the very latest on the ship in sweden. a brawl sparking controversy and outrage at a baseball game at wrigley field. a beer dropped on an outfielder, and they have yet to find the guy. i sugar shortage in this country? we will explain what this is a big deal. gregg: that was a hot topic this
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morning at our meeting. everyone is worried about it. what is hot online? britney spears. always a popular searched on the web, and now she has a brand new online project. courtney has detect -- the technological aspect. >> britney has been the first to launch a line of virtual gift on facebook. she collaborated with a graphic designer to create six customized to gifts, such as cakes, balloons, and tickets to her to work. starting today, you can buy them at the gift shop for $2 each, and every month she will send a free one to her more than 2 million facebook fans. there is a lot more on this story of the website. a moslem woman is turned away
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from a swimming pool in paris because of her clothing attire. she is wearing a head to toe swims so -- swimsuit, and officials say that the outfit is unhygienic and potentially harmful to other swimmers. the swimmer says that the ban is discriminatory. now, my big click find. for the video-game enthusiasts, there was a remote control, so that is actually a black. raft. but there was a cool picture of a iphone soap. all different kinds of phones, you can find those online.
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so what are teenager searching for online? i will have that story next hour. jane: good one. we will look at that next hour. how about an all-you-can fly a plane ticket. you can fly anywhere jetblue goes for one month. >> if you think of the prospect of getting on a plane every single day -- we're introducing a new way to travel. $599, go to the website, log in,
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buy your past, and for 30 days you can fly anywhere they fly, as much as you bought, as long as there are seats. no blackout dates. it is only available from september 8 to october 8, and you must book three days in advance. if you cancel less than three days in advance, you have to pay a $100 fee, so there may be additional fees associated with bookings. the biggest catch of all is that the travel actually excludes travel to places like pr and international travel, so really, you are now point to get to the good places. but if you are a cross country flyer, going from new york to los angeles several times a month, it can feel like a good deal. jane: all those taxicabs and meals. interesting idea. thank you.
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gregg: one of the worst terror attacks on innocent civilians. the bombing of pan am flight 103 over scotland, killing 203 people, many of them americans. a bunch of students. now, the bomber may be set free because he is dying. the families of victims are outraged. and a father who lost his son will be joining us next. ññ
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how does jell-o sugar free pudding fit all that rich, chocolatey taste in 60 calories? ♪
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they filed all the paperwork, and medicare and my insurance covered the cost. we can work directly with medicare or with your insurance company. we can even help with financing. if there's a way, we'll find it! so don't wait any longer, call the scooter store today. gregg: more pain for families of the victims of pan am flight 103 bombing scotland's justice department -- they might release of the bomber on compassionate grounds. he is dying of cancer. he is serving a life sentence for blowing up the plane over
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scotland in 1988. the explosion killed 270 people, many of them american students. now british reports said that scottish authorities will probably allow him to return home as early as next week. we are getting reports the scottish government is denying all of this. peter lowenstein lost his 21- year-old son alexander in that bombing. he joins us now. what is your reaction to this possibility of release? >> i am obviously very unhappy about it. he murdered are some along with two and 69 other people, and i see no reason we should show any compassion anywhere but in the prison cell he is currently in. gregg: he is the only one.
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clearly there were others in this horrible plot. he is the only one, and yet he may get out. >> that has always been a bone of contention. he was a big level libyan guy. but we do have a one-man, and he was tried in a scottish court, found guilty, i believe he was guilty, and i do not think compassion is something he has earned. gregg: there is a group of british relatives offering an opposing point of view. they say studies and trial suggest not enough evidence to convict him. what do you think of that?
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>> i was at the trial almost every day. and i spend as much time there as any of the british families. that is why you have trials. and that is why you have judges, in this case, judges unanimously finding this man guilty. the british families, for whatever reason, from day one, did not think the libyans were involved. the head made a few trips to libya, met with the colonel, and i do not know what went down in those meetings, but the british faroese have always been on the other side of that point. i never quite understood. gregg: terrorists have no heart, no compassion, no conscious.
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they have to say we have to have compassion even for the heinous terrorists. what do you think that argument? >> i appreciate other people having different opinions, i think that is fine, and whoever this was, i think that they certainly have the right to their opinion. my opinion, i do not agree. i think that is that the person indiscriminately put the bomb on the airplane, killing 270 people, most of who are college students. gregg: thank you very much, peter lowenstein. we appreciate your time. jane: a cargo ship just disappeared from one of the
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biggest ports on earth. and the search is on -- who threw beer at the phillies outfielder? security tossed a fan out. it looks like they got the wrong guy. the beer slipped out of the stadium, so where is he? and keeping an eye on northern california. the fire has grown and is not contained. when i was seventeen i was not good to my skin. long summer days and not enough sleep. what i wouldn't do for a do-over.
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(announcer) new neutrogena total skin renewal. gentle exfoliating puffs and micro-vibrations speed surface cell turnover. it's clinically tested to help undo the look of a year's worth of skin aging in just one week. that summer of sun? i just made it disappear. (announcer) new total skin renewal. neutrogena recommended most by dermatologists. do-overs do exist. again, when i least expected it, my asthma symptoms came back. so this time, my doctor gave me symbicort to help control my asthma. it combines two medicines that help control inflammation and constriction. so i'm breathing more freely day and night, and that feels good to me. and symbicort is an asthma controller that starts to open my airways within 15 minutes. very unexpected. symbicort will not replace a rescue inhaler for sudden symptoms. and should not be taken more than twice a day. symbicort contains formoterol. medicines like formoterol may increase the chance of asthma-related death. so, it is not for people whose asthma
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is well controlled on other asthma medicines. see your doctor if your asthma does not improve or gets worse. i know symbicort won't replace a rescue inhaler. it helps control my asthma and starts to open my airways within 15 minutes. ask your doctor if symbicort is right for you. (announcer) if you cannot afford your prescription, astrazeneca may be able to help. you all want to run your businesses more efficiently, so we've brought in a team of experts to help. one suggestion is to make your shipping more efficient with priority mail flat rate boxes from the postal service. call or go online for a free supply and up to $160 in offers from authorized postage vendors. shipping's a hassle! weighing every box... actually, with flat rate boxes you don't need to weigh anything under 70 pounds. if it fits, it ships for a low flat rate. ok, but i ship all over the country. you can ship anywhere in the country for a low flat rate. ship international, too.
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yes, but i ship hundreds of things, in all sizes. great, because flat rate boxes come in four sizes. call and we'll send a free supply, plus up to $160 in offers. when you're ready to ship, we'll even pick them up for free, no matter how many you have. priority mail flat rate boxes only from the postal service. a simpler way to ship. call or go online now to get started. jane: get ready to hand over more information every time you fly. before you complain, it could possibly make your trip smoother. [captioning made possible by fox news channel] captioned by the national captioning institute a car gregg: goshen vanishes without a trace, last seen two weeks ago in the english channel. -- gregg: a cargo ship vanishes
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without a trace, last seen two weeks ago in the english channel. jane: of phillies outfielder gets a bigger bath after catching a fly ball. who threw the beer? authorities at wrigley field hope you could find the culprit. president obama is preparing to head west tomorrow to continue his quest for health care reform. members of congress have faced angry crowds all across the country. and a pullout today says that the ongoing debate could be hurting the president's efforts. according to latest poll, 47% of voters say they approve of the performance, down from 50 in july. considering how well he did during the campaign, with the tarp and stimulus plan, questions being asked are why is he having so much trouble with health care? shannon is in d.c. for us. is it a case of americans being fatigued by these programs? money, fear, what is it?
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>> you have to think about all of it, but certainly the economy figures in. it has been rough for people, and if you look at the president's desk since he got involved a 20th -- we're talking about a $787 billion stimulus package and discretionary funding. $33 billion went to rescuing banks. if you come to people wanting to sell another program that estimates put over a trillion dollars, that has got to factor in. jane: how does the white house shifted their strategy? >> a couple of points. initially, the message was that we want to make sure everyone has health insurance and is covered. it did not resonate with 90% of americans were already covered and did not think we should take another string at completely
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overhauling the system for a smaller percentage may need help as well. that did not resonate with the middle class. also, one of the chief pollsters said that some people feared even more than health care reform -- they hate their insurance companies. so let's make this debate about insurance companies -- you noticed a shift, this is about health care insurance reform and not performing the systems. this is a major shift. we mentioned the poll numbers from rasmussen, and i can tell you now, it does not look like they're working a problem heartland. according to polls, we are to lowest number in favor of overhauling health care. 42% of americans said yes, 53% continue to oppose it. so looks like the white house and president are still having trouble selling this. and it is also a statement out there, the president does not have a plan to sell, so it is
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not his to sell. gregg: you had better sit down for these numbers. a federal deficit that been racked up $181 billion last month alone, $3 billion more than economists predicted. the thing is, there are still a couple of months left in the budget year. the fiscal year ends at the end of september. right now the deficit stands at one point to seven trillion dollars. the obama administration projects 1.84 trillion by the beginning in october. that is four times last year's record high. jane: the government is set to roll out new rules that will affect on airplanes. on saturday, airlines will ask you to provide your date of birth and gender, all part of a
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new strategy by the department of, and security. courtney is that ring and national, just outside of the sea. are they asking this? >> they do not want to mistake people's identities on flights. what will happen is you'll get your birthday and gender making your reservation. that just the government, they checked it, and when you check in, hopefully it will prevent mistaken identities. jane: how will this affect us? the first thing people want to know is, is a point to take water -- going to take longer? >> and they have algorithms and lists. when you come to the airport, you have to submit identification anyway, and it could be the same process. hopefully, they say, it could make it faster. jane: what happens if i get
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there and i do not want to provide it? >> a penalty. not all airlines are going to ask for information. people should not worry if they are asked. domestic airlines should have this implemented by march of next year for at international flights. if you decline giving your birth date engendered during your reservation, you may be denied a boarding pass or subjected to secondary screenings. jane: a thank-you. gregg: a fast-moving wildfire is forcing hundreds of people to flee their homes. you're watching santa cruz county, 80 miles south of san francisco. this fire covers about 1,200 acres, burning out of control .
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>> we're seeing dry conditions for the foreseeable future. we will show you what you can expect in terms of wind anywhere from 7 miles an hour to 10 miles an hour. wind gusts to 20 or 30 are not expected, but it is still not helping firefighters, and it will continue to arrive today, tomorrow, and into the weekend. temperatures here are almost at 80 degrees, nw 5-10, gusting little higher than that creates
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tropical depression number two, and perhaps a tropical depression #3 is just off the coast of africa. i'm not really concerned with this. we were monitoring it. tropical depression no. 2 -- we do not think it will become anna. but of africa, they are taking a liking. this could become its genesis in the days to come and affect the u.s. early to late next week. this is number two, not expected to develop into a storm, which is great news. we will continue to monitor it, but we have wave after wave of of the coast of africa, and these could be some of the strongest. we head into peak season, now into september and october. a hot topic of conversation.
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jane: dramatic rescue is going on now in taiwan. hundreds were forced out. helicopters delivered survivors to higher ground. look at this damage. the storm dumped more than 80 inches of rain. most of the country has not seen that much from a single storm in 50 years. and they did not change the name of reagan airport. it is still rain in national. -- reagan national. gregg: i join you. i thought it was. concession stands. it does not seem like a typical of that -- event.
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we are live at the iowa state fair. corn dogs on a stick, anything you want on a stick. you will get reaction from a heart -- from the heartland. and a police officer takes down an 84-year-old woman. heart attack, but i did. you need to talk to your doctor about aspirin. you need to be your own advocate. be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. you take care of your kids, now it's time to take care of yourself.
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are more than words here. it's personal. i have diabetes. rodney's kid too. so we're so proud to manufacture... the accu-chek® aviva meters and test strips... here in the u.s.a. plus, we've proven you'll waste 50% fewer strips... when you use our meter, which means greater savings...
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for people with diabetes, like me. now that's a true american value. accu-chek® aviva. born in the u.s.a.
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gregg: one of the great jazz guitarists, les paul, has died at 84. he had a huge number of hits over the years.
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he was an inventor of the electric guitar in so many innovative ways. les paul has died at the age of 94. jane: video shows a female officer taking down an 84-year- old woman. all of this is caught on a cellular phone camera. the woman was out there, threatening to cut customers in the parking lot with that knife. the women had just a minor head injury and was treated. dozens of calls were received calling that be an officer -- the officer's actions were recessed an extreme.
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the iowa state fair is kicking off today, and visitors will flood the fair grounds of the next 10 days, presenting the perfect place to get reaction on health care. carl cameron has been catching up all day long to get people's spots. he is live in between his latest meal on a stick. >> what better place to come to them where it is very hot at the iowa state fair? 70% of americans are paying close attention, and they are turned off by a two-one margin by the health-care proposals at the meetings. all the criticism has taken effect and folks are becoming more and more concerned about the democrats. so, health care is on the agenda in washington. what do you think about what is
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being proposed? >> i am 100% against any government involvement in our health care. i do not think that they can run it. if you look at all the other countries that have tried it, it has not worked there. i sure do not want more involvement than we have. >> people think that maybe people do not understand it or are getting misinformation. wrapped up for us? >> all my colleagues and people i work with, everyone i talked to it is against it, almost everyone. >> no matter where you go, there are two themes. 1, their only marginally and attention and would like to the -- like to see things improve. what they like our corn dogs on a stick, and we will go get you
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a turkey leg. gregg: i like deep-fried baloney on a stick. right here. >> i need a pickle dog for gregg at new york. gregg: put it in a box and send it asap. look at that. doesn't that look great? it melts in your mouth. terrific. jane: we are falling in mystery on the high seas. a cargo ship with a 15-man crew banished off the coast of france more than two weeks ago. is it possible they were
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captured by pirates?
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imagine... one scooter or power chair that could improve your mobility and your life. one medicare benefit that, with private insurance, may entitle you to pay little to nothing to own it. one company that can make it all happen... your power chair will be paid in full. the scooter store. hi i'm dan weston. we're experts at getting you the scooter or power chair you need. in fact, if we pre-qualify you for medicare reimbursement and medicare denies your claim, we'll give you your new power chair or scooter free. i didn't pay a penny out of pocket for my power chair. with help from the scooter store, medicare and my insurance covered it all. call the scooter store for free information today. call the number on your screen for free information.
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>> a criminal mystery in davenport. now-court cameras may answer a question about whether a cop shooting a suspect was justifiable. let's listen. >> [inaudible] do with it now. get out. down on your knees. get down on your knees. you are going to get shocked with a taser if you do not get it done. get down on your knees.
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>> you saw the second before, so you did not see the killing, but you saw the second before the cop shop suspect in the chest. was a justifiable? you have the video here. officer cliff anderson's squad car camera catches it, and he has gone after a man wanted for hitting a volunteer at a homeless center. you told him to get down on his knees, and the man wants is at the police officer. the officer killed the suspect, shooting him once in the chest. and you saw another officer pullover because he sees the cop pleading with the man to get down on the ground. take another listen. >> come on over the rail.
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do it now. do it now. get down on your knees. do it now. down on your knees. do it. get down on your knees. you are going to get shot with a taser if you do not do it. get down on your knees. get down on your knees. >> the officer telling the suspect what will happen if he does not listen. this is brand new video from davenport, mississippi. now back to greg and jane. gregg: thank you very much. incredible. a missing cargo vessel has been missing for the better part of a week or two.
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this ship is called the arctic sea. it disappeared off the coast of france passing through the strait of dover last month. investigators believe it may have been boarded earlier in the baltic sea by pirates posing a swedish police. a little bit unclear. the russian navy says they are willing to lose -- use force to get it back. recent attacks have happened off of the african and indonesian coasts. why would anybody high-tech such a valuable ship in a busy area? that is a mystery. we have an expert in maritime security. it is quite frequent nowadays, but the english channel? >> id has been centuries since something like this happened.
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gregg: assailants posing as swedish police and the baltic port of the vessel, the assault and handcuffed the crew, but then they left, allegedly. do you think there is a connection? >> absolutely. the crew seem to be professionals. you have them quickly taking over the crew, using certain communications equipment, and then they disappeared. gregg: the editor of russia's maritime bolton says that this ship had a mysterious cargo. i do not know that means. and then you have the head of the welfare center saying this is probably a commercial dispute with the owner and the third party. what do you make of this? >> there probably is something
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pretty special on that boat. who knows. weapons, narcotics, anything. certainly something more valuable than timber a high- risk operation, for sure. gregg: the atlantic is an enormous body of water. but they will find this ship pretty soon, because they have done enough for a couple of days. >> there is such a thing as a ghost ship, where a vessel will be taken over, they will have false documentation, and it will be passed off as someone else. the lines of communication do not flow as quickly, and people can get away with that sort of thing.
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gregg: let us know what you hear. thank you very much. jane: we continue to watch town halls across the country. people call some of them an angry mob, and others think that they are sincere. we will talk about it. plus, sugar is at risk of running out in this country.
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jane: sugar is in short supply. some companies are saying we might be running out of it. gregg: a big leaguer taking a beer back at wrigley field. but wait, it turns out he is not the guy who taught the beer. the search is on. jane: he is in the top 10 of the most searched terms by teenagers on the internet. who is this kid, and what else are they searching for? gregg: the debate over the
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future of your health care is all over the country. we have been watching hundreds of town hall meetings and folks who have been challenging representatives of all nature about the future of this country. take a look at this. >> we are in debt up to our eyeballs, and you are doing nothing but putting more debt on of us and our children. what are you going to do about it? gregg: caroline is live in washington with the latest. what are you hearing from these town halls? what is the latest? >> people are still angry. we are tracking at least seven states today, probably more before the day is over. take a look at one of these town halls. >> i charged him with usurping authority.
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>> defeated under any circumstances. >> another town hall this morning. we're getting word that gene green of texas is actually asking people to show identification to prove their from his district before they get into this town halls, trying to prevent disruption. gregg: we have seen some of the obama poll numbers dropping like a stone. what about all lawmakers? >> arlen specter was a republican for three years but is a newly minted it democrat. he has been travelling pennsylvania and has encountered constituents angry over this reform. a poll was released today taken on tuesday over the town hall meeting.
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double digits, 48%. that is a huge flat since june, before the health care came out. gregg: that as almost a 30% changed over there if he juxtaposed the numbers. all right. thank you very much. jane: new numbers out today, higher than expected weekly unemployment numbers. but let's get to be bad stuff. the wall street journal reports that major companies are warning that we could be facing a sugar shortage. >> let me explain is going on in the sugar market.
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there is more on world finance than there are supplies. the united states is consuming more sugar than ever before, and the top markets producing them like brazil and india have had bad weather. so if you put that together, we're seeing shubert prices in the market hit 28-year highs. so a lot of action. major companies like general mills and kraft wrote a letter saying they need a reduction in tariffs on imports of sugar, and this is the reason why. they think that by the end of the year on supply will only have a 13-day supply of sugar in the united states. they are worried, and having to handle some of these higher prices. if these prices, some say, do not come down, we will have to
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have them on to consumers. and of course we're in a recession, and that is not good. again, what these companies want to do right now, they can import sugar and do not have to pay a tariff. what they want to do is be allowed to import even more so they can help mitigate some higher prices, but when demand is up and supply is down, you are not really going to avoid those higher prices. what will happen is that as consumers, we will pay more, or you will see more artificial sweeteners, like corn syrup, being used in certain products. so we see prices come down, because it does happen, and sometimes the cuts are not passed on to consumers. that is why we have to continue to see if the increases, but it is something we will pay close attention to for a lot of different reasons. jane: that goes back to my theory. i bring in brownies and do not charge people. i will have to start. thank you.
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gregg: you do not have to bake with sugar. you can use honey, corn syrup, fructose. if you need another reason to eat some chocolate, listen up. it could save your life after a heart attack. a new study in the journal of internal medicine points out the health benefits of chocolate, and researchers say that heart attack survivors who ate chocolate two or more times a week cut their risk of dying dramatically. it is believed that natural anti oxidants in cocoa are protecting the body from free radicals. no benefits were found from regular suites. just chocolate. eat chocolate. jane: have you heard about this controversy of wrigley field in
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chicago? a center fielder from the phillies goes out for a deep fly and then he gets hit pete. cubs security -- it looks like they got the wrong suspect. now they are looking for the guy responsible. do you think he can get away in chicago? so, what's the problem? these are hot. we're shipping 'em everywhere. but we can't predict our shipping costs. dallas. detroit. different rates. well with us, it's the same flat rate. same flat rate. boston. boise? same flat rate. alabama. alaska? with priority mail flat rate boxes from the postal service. if it fits, it ships
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anywhere in the country for a low flat rate. dude's good. dude's real good. dudes. priority mail flat rate boxes only from the postal service. a simpler way to ship. i just want fewer pills and relief that lasts all day. take 2 extra strength tylenol every 4 to 6 hours?!? taking 8 pills a day... and if i take it for 10 days -- that's 80 pills. just 2 aleve can last all day. perfect. choose aleve and you can be taking four times... fewer pills than extra strength tylenol. just 2 aleve have the strength to relieve arthritis pain all day.
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jane: cubs are betting the phillies in the outfield. watch what happens. we went deep to catch this ball, and he also catches a face full of beer.
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a cubs fan nailed him. it looks like this throughout the wrong fan. when they went back, the suspect was gone. we have the author of the "sports pros" blog. do we know who he is? >> no. jane: and in the sports-crazed city i grew up, how long will catching the suspect take? >> probably not long. he is probably hanging out on a couch right now, not wanting to go out at all. jane: what was the reaction from victorino? >> who was obviously angry. a fly ball hits a player to make
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that catch -- if he gets a beer in the face and loses sight, he was obviously angry, rightfully so. jane: the guy could not have time it better. what about fans? what have they been saying? >> they are outraged. 99% of cubs fans think that this is despicable and has no place in greenfield. unfortunately, it is another reaction of a stupid fan wasting a beer on something like this can give us all a bad name. jane: it does remind me -- remind you what steve parkman did? >> he is a figure who will live in infamy. it was a situation back then
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when they did not know if they would have the right guide. people started throwing things at am -- jane: he interfered with that play. >> right. he interfered with a foul ball during the playoffs, and a lot of fans were angry about that. jane: all right. give us an update on whether they catch him. i have a feeling they will. gregg: he was jostled. somebody hits your elbow, and it just goes boom. jane: but that is a defense lawyer speaking there. maybe he will bring you business. gregg: are the millions of tweaks being posted really worth it? >> if you feel like you are
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missing out on to whatever, do not worry. 40% of the updates are pointless babel. that is what a new study says, anyway. this market research firm monitored thousands of twister updates, and most of them had no purpose. 38% were conversational updates, and they have heard a lot between the ours of 2:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. they were also surprised to find that spam and self- promotion were so low. they also looked at a news, peaking at 2:00 p.m. tuesdays, and passing along info happened most on monday morning. new data shows us what kids are searching for. 3.5 million searches were logged, and you were the top 10. youtube.
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google. facebook. sex. my space. no. 6-10 go through in this order. porn, yahoo!, michael jackson, fred, and each day. who is fred? the fred channel is the most subscribers channel on youtube, showing him is better than an explanation. take a look. >> [speaking in fast, high- pitched voice] >> that is fred, a 6-year-old with a dysfunctional home life. but he is really played by an actor, really a teenager from
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nebraska. kids love him. jane: when i was looking at that store, i introduced my kids to him. i think they do it with a computer somehow, speed up the voice or whatever. but i walked in when they were watching it and i said i hope they do not hear about words. gregg: way to go. contributing to delinquency. jane: we have been watching this fire in northern california that is 0% contained. now, more than 2,000 acres on fire. we will update you. also mandatory evacuations are in effect, with hundreds been told to get out now. also, democrats blasting republicans, saying they are sending ringers to hijacked town hall meetings across the country. now an accusation of a group
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tied to the president of using not so nice tricks.
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jane: a new controversy is brewing in the wake of these tumultuous town hall meetings we have been seeing. democrats are accusing republicans of stacking the meetings with angry ringers. now group with ties to the president is accused of the same thing. they are saying to this group is scheduling meetings between them, the members of congress, and sending dozens of people to offices without any notice or warning. in a letter sent to the president tuesday, a couple of residents spent this --
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representatives from illinois said that just over tuesday, constituents came for the belief that they had scheduled meetings with us. when they learned that neither the white house national committee organizing from america at past their request of offices, they were understandably confused and upset. we have a candidate for the u.s. senate seat once occupied by obama. how often does this happen, people saying that the white house said they were there for a meeting. >> they came about one work to an hour. they had a misleading e-mail from organizing for america, and they think they have an
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appointment scheduled with their representative by the white house. but the white house has not bothered, so they beat the office more mad at the president than anybody else. jane: but you did forward a letter, and nowhere does it say you will meet with the congressman if you show up. >> that is right. it gives the impression, because the email has a time you can see york rep and a sign up procedure. it gives a very misleading impression for the folks we have talked to. they leave disappointed in the president and feel that once again there is more damage control needed by the white house and anyone else. jane: have you heard back from your letter? >> we have. we have a steady stream of folks coming in. i welcome everyone represent coming in, but you need to call our office.
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respect each congressman, give them a call. but they are not bothering to do any of that. and it is disappointing to see that misleading information going out. jane: is there constructive debate going on there? are we getting some more? >> i think it is necessary to develop an alternative health care plan. we have the medical rights act, saying that congress should make no law and a friend with decisions you have made with your doctor. is the kind of practical alternative we should or work, not a bill costing a trillion dollars, or in the case of illinois, raising our taxes to 49.9%, 4 points higher than the marginal rate. jane: we will have to leave it there. thank you. gregg: we received word short time ago that one of the all-
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time great jazz guitarists, less paul, has died at the age of thank you for. there he is. a legend in music. -- he has died at the age of thank you for. not just because he was so skilled at -- he has died at the age of thank you for. he was an innovator in a technology that almost certainly lead to rock-and-roll. his trio performed everywhere, including radio and television. . ♪ . ♪ and as you can see it kinda bites! ♪ ♪ so sing the lyrics with me: ♪ when your debt goes up your score goes down ♪ ♪ when you pay a little off it goes the other way 'round ♪ ♪ it's just the same for everybody, every boy and girl ♪ ♪ the credit roller coaster makes you wanna hurl ♪ ♪ so throw your hands in the air, and wave 'em around ♪ ♪ like a wanna-be frat boy trying to get down ♪ ♪ then bring 'em right back to where your laptop's at... ♪ ♪ log on to free credit report dot com - stat! ♪ vo: free credit score and report with enrollment in triple advantage.
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reading about washington these days... i gotta ask, what's in it for me? i'm not looking for a bailout, just a good paying job. that's why i like this clean energy idea. now that works for our whole family. for the kids, a better environment. for my wife, who commutes, no more gettin' jerked around on gas prices... and for me, well, it wouldn't be so bad if this breadwinner brought home a little more bread. repower america. i hope our senators are listening. .
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@@-÷rp0wk]o:ypyjw00 jane: get this. who needs enemies when you have made -- when you have neighbors who want to rip you off? a neighbor found $25,000 of her possessions that had been stolen on display at a yard sale. the man was even wearing one of her teachers when she confronted him. she had been living with her
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daughter while her home was in foreclosure. apparently, that was enough for this guy to act. >> i thought they were going to go to the dump. i was not thinking right. jane: police agreed. they have charged him with burglary and theft. nice try. he needs a defense lawyer now. gregg: i'm way too expensive for him. thank you for joining us this hour. "the live desk" beacons right now. -- begins right now. trace: this is "the live desk." we're live inside the fox news room because look around you. this is where the news begins. this is the national desk. the cover america for us. if you go over


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